🎂 Weekly Download 53 – Happy Birthday Microsoft Word! 📎

Plus... Reopen closed browser tabs, news of the week, New York's Mayor arrested and more!

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Good Evening , it’s Sunday, September 29, 2024, and you know what that means…

It’s Microsoft Word’s 41st birthday!

This is v. 1.15, but I’m sure 1.0 was similar

That’s right! On September 29, 1983, Microsoft released the first commercially available build of its iconic word processor program, Microsoft Word 1.0. This initial version was limited (where the h*ck is Clippy?), but everyone has to start somewhere.

Feel free to drop that little factoid in your Monday morning all-hands if you want to win the respect of the nerdiest people at your work.

Here’s what we’ve got going on this week:

🗞️ 1440 Media [Sponsor] Real news, no algorithms, no biases
QUICK TECH TIP: How to Rescue a Closed Browser Tab
📰 FAST FIVE: Five Stories You Might Have Missed
👓 GEAR OF THE WEEK: Orion AR Glasses from Meta
🤡 MORON OF THE WEEK: Felonious behavior
💸 DEALS: Deals! Deals! Deals!
🛠️ TOOLS: A few apps we’re into

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Alright, let’s get into it.

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