šŸ§  The Weekly Download #25: Peek behind the veil

It's been roughly a year, but now is a good time as ever to share what happened a year ago

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Hey everyone: I realized I haven't talked much about what goes on behind the scenes here at KnowTechie.

For those of you who donā€™t know, this newsletter isnā€™t just a newsletter. Itā€™s the newsletter for the tech news website KnowTechie.

About a year ago, we hit a rough patch and ended up losing 80% of our team. This included Josiah, our main editor; Alex Gatewood, our top writer; and Joe Rice-Jones, who knew everything about hardware.

So, what happened? Josiah pretty much quit and ghosted me. Or thatā€™s what I initially thought. But the truth is that he secretly launched a new site under my nose and worked on the site while he was working at KnowTechie. Lessons learned.

As for Alex, well, he used to work in construction before joining us and later decided this kind of job wasnā€™t for him, so he left too.

And Joe? That was on meā€”I made a bad call that ended up costing us, but I made sure to bring him back with better pay and a bigger role.

I wonā€™t sugarcoat itā€”it was tough without them. Handling everything from writing and researching to managing a big website like KnowTechie was almost too much.

It was a really low point for me personally, as everything else in my life was also taking a hit because I had zero time for anything else.

So, why am I sharing all this with you? I guess if there's a lesson in all of this mess, it's pretty simple: Keep going, no matter how hard it gets.

Today, we have a thriving staff again. We have editors, writers, a graphic design and video team, and much more. Iā€™ll make the formal introductions next week.

Moral of the story: Losing most of our team was tough, but it taught us to stick it out and adapt to changes. Life threw us a curveball, and it was rough, but we learned that we could get through it. And that's something worth sharing.

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