We're not spam, you're spam

Hey, don't be a jerk and mark us as spam even though you definitely signed up for this newsletter We have receipts to prove it, and we're not afraid to show them.

Some of you may know this, some of you may not. So here it goes if you're joining us for the first time.

Unsubscribing from newsletters or emails is common. People do it all the time. And while we’d like to think no one would unsubscribe from ours, it happens, and that’s totally okay. We get it.

And if that day ever comes (which we hope it doesn’t), if you’re going to unsubscribe, please—for the love of God—DON’T MARK US AS SPAM!

We take great pride in our email list, knowing that anyone on this list says they want to be on it. I’m dead serious about it, so much so that I was willing to part ways with 8,000 subscribers over the past two months.

So, when I check the reports every week after we send out our one weekly email, I get a little ticked when I see someone who actively went out of their way to subscribe suddenly snake their way to the spam button and then label us as such.

Why do we care about this so much? Here’s why:

  1. It damages our sender reputation, making it harder to reach inboxes and potentially affecting deliverability for everyone on the list.

  2. It wastes our time and resources, as we have to investigate why someone marked us as spam when a simple unsubscribe would suffice.

  3. It's demoralizing for the team, as it feels like a rejection of our hard work and dedication to creating valuable content.

Don’t get us wrong, if you signed up for the newsletter, completed the double opt-in, opened and read the welcome email, and then decided it wasn't for you, that's okay.

It happens, but marking us as spam hurts our ability to deliver emails to people who want them. Please unsubscribe instead.


or to participate.