💻 KnowTechie's Weekly Download: Issue #15 - It's a short one

I went camping this week and had no access to internet for the whole weekend. It was great.

Welcome to KnowTechie’s Weekly Download. We know life gets busy, so we've compiled the most important tech stories you might have missed this week. So grab a coffee, and let’s get started! If this email was forwarded to you, click here to subscribe to the newsletter. Missed an issue? Here's an archive of past newsletters.

Happy Sunday! How was everyone’s weekend? I just got back from a camping trip in the Whtie Mountains, New Hampshire. It rained…..the ENTIRE time.

With that said, I’m going to keep this newsletter short and brief. Truthfully, I’m completely wiped, and the faster I can get off this laptop, the faster I can get some rest.

Oh, and apologies for the radio silence last week, but I didn’t have any time to sit down and hammer out the newsletter. But hey, look at it this way: one less email to archive, right?

Here’s what we’ll be tackling today:

  • 📰 News

  • That’s it, sorry.

👇👇 Check out Remote Source 👇 👇

If you're into the whole remote work scene or just curious about the future of work, there's this cool newsletter I came across. It's got everything from news, job postings to some solid advice. Definitely worth a look!

Remote SourceThe leading source of content for tens of thousands of remote workers: open jobs, relevant news, must-have products, impactful trends, management advice, and more. Work Remote, Live Free.

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