KnowTechie Weekly Download: Issue #8

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Welcome to the Weekly Download. We know life gets busy, so we've compiled the most important tech stories you might have missed this week. So grab a coffee, and let’s get started!

Happy Sunday! If this is your first time with us, consider signing up for the weekly drop here. Reply to this email and say hi; I check every email.

Also, that subject line wasn’t some cheap trick for you to open this email. Ok, I’m half lying, but the other half is being 100% honest.

I didn’t realize how much work goes into these, so here I am. We’d love to get some guest contributors or even someone who wants to dedicate time to writing this part-time or half-time. If this sounds like you, get in touch.

Here’s what we’ll be tackling today:

  • 🚨 X lost a fortune of people’s images from 2011-2014

  • ⌨️ Helpful, quick tips for Windows users

  • 🧐 A new quiz

  • 🗞️ More news you may have missed out on

  • 🛠️ Tools, tools, and more tools

  • 💵 Deals and a surprise announcement

  • 🏆 We’re still running that giveaway



Ultra-Wealthy Investors Fall in Love with This App (Here’s Why)

While financial markets tanked in 2022, one market saw its best performance in 277 years. The blue-chip art market – hauling in nearly $18 billion. Millionaires and billionaires love this market, but now you don’t need to be one to get access.

Masterworks is the fintech platform that lets you diversify your portfolio in this currently booming market. Their last three sales in 2022 handed investors 10.4%, 35.0%, and 13.9% net returns respectively.

After all, contemporary art prices outpaced the S&P 500 by 131% from 1995-2021 with a near 0 correlation to stocks according to Citi. Thanks to Masterworks, investing in art by Banksy, Picasso, and Basquiat is easier than using ChatGPT to automate your emails.

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