💻 KnowTechie Weekly Download #24: My promise to you

I will not sell you a course and anyone who does is a scammer

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Happy Monday—or is it Sellout Monday?

Ever feel like life's one big sales pitch? I sure do.

I planned to send this newsletter earlier on Sunday, but I got caught up in a whirlwind of newsletters—five, to be exact. Usually, that's fuel for my fire; I'm all for learning from the pros. But today? Today was different.

Four out of five were peddling the same "miracle" course. You know the type—promises of easy success, vague outcomes, and a price tag that makes your wallet weep.

It's like they all graduated from the same "How to Make a Quick Buck" university. Their first assignment? Sell the course to you.

Look, I get it. Money talks. But there's something unsettling about being sold a dream by someone who's barely awake to it themselves.

And let's talk about the email onslaught. The "limited seats" urgency, the "I'm doing you a favor" angle. Then, suddenly, that 900 course is a steal at 400. It's a relentless, cyclical sales trap.

But here's the kicker: they're all in cahoots, scratching each other's backs with commissions, turning the whole thing into an insincere, self-serving spectacle.

It's a circus, and frankly, it's exhausting.

Here's my solemn vow to you: I won't sell you a course. I won't even try. If that day ever comes, don't bother hitting unsubscribe—I'll pull the plug myself.

Before you go... a final nugget of wisdom:

Beware the siren call of quick-fix courses. If you're eyeing one, led by someone you admire, pause. Give it 30 days. In that time, dive deep into your own self-education. Get your hands dirty with experience. After those 30 days, ask yourself: Do I still need that course?

Chances are, you've gained more than enough to keep going on your own. Trust in your ability to learn and adapt. That's the real secret to success—not a hefty price tag on repackaged common sense.

Stay savvy, stay smart. Don’t be a dumbass.

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